Feedback from users Cool that they are all working on the same materialCool that they are all working on the same materialParticularly when confronted with an aggressive employee, the cool thing was that it was in a safe and controlled environment - no tugging on my shirt, I felt safeVR goggles allow you to isolate yourself and focus on the situation, nothing distracts you and there will be no substitute for that character on the TV screen, computer screen, there won't be that focus effect.Super, you can disconnect from the outside world and focus on what the training is aboutI am alone, no one is looking at me, no one is listening and that way I am not thinking about what the group will say, how they will react to meA cool solution for covidov times. I have more comfort, I don't think about other participants, there are no scenes in front of the camera, others don't watch me and point out mistakes, this is a big advantageCool, you can disconnect from the outside world and focus on what the training is about VIREMO > More about the VIREMO method > Benefits of VIREMO > Feedback from users >